Safety Inspections in Philadelphia
Maintaining Safety Regulations in Montgomery County, Lehigh County, Northampton County, Bucks County, Mercer County, Burlington County, Chester County, & Norristown
Employers are responsible for providing a safe work environment for all employees. Safety is a fundamental principle to protect workers from physical hazards. All workplaces, such as offices, construction sites, and factories are covered by safety regulations and standards promulgated and enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). As a result of federal laws passed in 1970, employers are required to comply with minimum safety standards and regulations.
Importance of Having An In-Depth Safety Program
Comprehensive Safety Programs in Your Area for Employers
Employers who meet certain employee sizes and other requirements are responsible for having a safety program. Elements of a comprehensive safety program include:
- Identifying hazards or risks in the workplace
- Developing and maintaining a safety program based on hazards or risks
- Providing specific hazard awareness training for job hazards and tasks
- Posting warning signs where potential hazards are present
- Providing personal protective equipment (or reimbursement) for employees
- Investigating incidents or accidents
- Conducting routine inspections/audits and implementing corrective actions
- Maintaining records and documenting the above elements
Your safety program is most likely connected to your insurance policy and human resource programs. A well-defined safety program, trained employees, and commitment to safety can contribute to insurance savings and reduced administrative costs. Benefits include lower workers’ compensation insurance costs, reduced medical expenses, and smaller expenses for return-to-work programs.​
Eagle Industrial Hygiene can assist you to meet your safety program needs. Whether you need a job hazard analysis, a written safety program, employee training, or inspections/audits, we are committed to your satisfaction. Our safety services are performed under the direction of a Certified Safety Professional or Certified Industrial Hygienist.
Contact one of our experienced safety professionals to discuss your needs.