"Asbestos Ban" of 1989 Mythbuster!

Close up microscope shot

Mythbuster: The "Asbestos Ban" of 1989

It is important to understand common misconceptions about the prevalence of asbestos containing materials. The following include common misconceptions about the presence of asbestos and the realities you should know. 

Myth: The use of asbestos was prohibited in the United States

The truth: A ban on most asbestos-containing products was issued in 1989 by the EPA under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), however it was quickly overturned in 1991. Many uses of asbestos remain legal in the United States.

Myth: The ban eliminated the risk of asbestos exposure

The truth: Asbestos is still present in many older buildings, infrastructures, and products throughout the United States. The ban did not address existing asbestos containing materials, and regulated removal is required to mitigate the risk of exposure.

Myth: Asbestos only poses a risk to workers in certain industries

The truth: Anyone can be at risk of the negative impacts of asbestos! During demolition and renovation, ACM can become airborne and expose anyone nearby.

Myth: Asbestos fibers are easy to identify

The truth: Identifying asbestos-containing materials by sight is difficult due to their microscopic properties. They are also usually mixed with other materials, making them difficult to isolate and identify. Proper testing by trained professionals is necessary to confirm the presence of asbestos.

What can you do?

  • Stay informed
  • Schedule an inspection with Eagle Industrial Hygiene Associates if you suspect the presence of asbestos containing materials
  • Always abide by legal regulations when dealing with ACM

By taking precautions, pursuing understanding, and seeking professional guidance you can reduce the risk of exposure to asbestos and protect your health and the health of those around you.